Monday, February 4, 2013

Ankara Heaven

Hey guys,
I know I just dropped one post and disappeared but I needed it! I had to recoup, regroup, and recharge. I am so grateful and excited to be back to doing the things I love. Lately, I have become OBSSESED with Ankara (Ntuma) fabrics. I have managed to pretty much incorporate it into my everyday wears. It seems I have finally identified "my style". Now I enjoy walking into a room and not wondeirng if anybody else might be wearing exactly what I have on. Thanks to my awesome seamstress and my "eclectic" mind, I have managed to bring some of my idea to life....

(Ankara skater dressed paired with blazer and booties)

(Ankara tailored suit)
(Ankara skinny pants)

 And I did not stop there...

                                                             (Ank'd scarf and shoes)
                                                            (Infinity Scarf)

                                                            (Ank'd hoop earrings)

All these Ank'd (if you haven't realized by now, I just coined the word. It simply means something made with Ankara) items have left me breathless. I feel like I'm in Ankara heaven and I doubt I'll ever leave there!